Therese Bolliger

(K)EIN VERGLEICH (DIS)SIMILARITIES, 1991-1992, Cold City, Toronto


Silvia Bächli, Therese Bolliger, Cathy Daley

Exhibition travelling to:
Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Alberta; Cold City Gallery, Toronto; Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary; Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton; Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa; Sir Wilfred Grenfell  College Art Gallery, Cornerbrook; Mount St. Vincent Art Gallery, Halifax

Works presented
Embodiments, 1991
22” x 30”  each  of two, metal frames
mixed media on paper

“Embodiments is an attempt to construct the female subject/self  through language and visual images that refer to the body. A significant gap remains between image and language. The image/language pair, although placed in physical proximity, only underlines the impossibility of developing parallels. Meaning resides in the gaps separating the two”.

This series of works on paper has focused on the definition of self and identity; the dialectic between the private and public, individual and social, conscious and subconscious as they influence the formulation of identity.  The body becomes  a metaphor, a site onto which a personal history is inscribed.