ÜBERZEICHNEN: Von Basel aus, Kunsthaus, Baselland, Switzerland , 2015
ÜBERZEICHNEN: Von Basel aus, 18 September to 15 November 2015
Kunsthaus, Baselland, Switzerland
Works presented:
Transference: Losing and regaining Beauty and Knowledge , 1984; charcoal on paper
Intimations, 2009 to present, ink on panel
Sylvia Bächli, Therese Bolliger, Lena Eriksson, Robert Estermann, Eric Hattan, Cécile Hummel, Bruno Jakob, Claudia & Julia Müller, Bruce Nauman, Karim Noureldin, Boris Rebetez, Maja Rieder, Fred Sandback, Jürg Stäuble, Anselm Stalder, Miriam Sturzenegger, Anna B. Wiesendanger
Curators: Ines Goldbach and Cécile Hummel